merchant account in Luxembourg is necessary
for the payment procedure and it must be established by
online businesses operating in this country. At the same time, investors interested in
opening a company in Luxembourg as a
traditional business can also
set up a merchant account, as a manner through which the respective business may increase the value of its
commercial transactions. The advantages of the
merchant account in Luxembourg refers to the fact that it can accept both
credit and debit cards, provided by numerous local and international banks.
Our team of company formation representatives in Luxembourg can offer assistance on the registration procedure.
Types of merchant accounts in Luxembourg
The procedure of
company formation in Luxembourg for
online companies will require a
merchant account, as
payments can be easily performed through this options.
Luxembourg accepts a wide range of merchant accounts, such as:
• internet merchant accounts;
• retail merchant accounts;
• smart phone credit card processing;
• phone merchant accounts;
• mail merchant accounts;
• wireless merchant accounts;
• high risk merchant accounts.
A Swiss merchant account will be set up between three main entities:
• the service provider;
• a local bank in Luxembourg.
Merchant account: important aspects
Most of the companies requiring a merchant account will need to conclude a contract with the service provider for a period of two-three years. However, if the applicant may consider that the merchant account is no longer useful, he or she can require a cancellation, which will also incur the payment of a small cancellation fee.
Investors interested in
company registration in Luxembourg as an
online business should first verify if their
website (especially the
online shopping cart) is compatible with the
payment gateway used by the service provider.