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Company Formation Luxembourg



Private Companies in Luxembourg Sustained in the Field of Space Activities

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Private-Companies-in-Luxembourg-Sustained-in-the-Field-of-Space-Activities.jpgLuxembourg is interested in becoming one of the most representative economies in Europe in terms of space activities. Thus, its governmental policies aim at turning Luxembourg into a top economy for the exploration and exploitation of space resources. Foreign investors who are interested in opening a company in Luxembourg operating in the field of space activities should know that the European Investment Bank (EIB) is searching for suitable methods to provide financing to private companies activating in this industry. Our team of company formation representatives in Luxembourg can offer more details on how to register a business in this field. initiative  

The Luxembourg authorities have created the initiative, which has as the main target the development of the commercial activities that use various space resources, one of them being the mining of rare minerals found on the Moon, which could have numerous usages for multiple industries. 
Businessmen who want to start the procedure of company registration in Luxembourg in this field could benefit from several incentives, as the local government is interested in providing financial assistance to private entities using the latest space technologies
EIB’s mission is to assist the Ministry of Finance in Luxembourg in finding the proper manner in which such companies can receive financial assistance. 
EIB may invest in companies registered in Luxembourg by using two important financial programs: 
The European Fund for Strategic Investments. 
Our team of company formation agents in Luxembourg can assist foreign investors with more details on the legislation applicable in this field. 

Legal matters concerning space activities in Luxembourg  

Due to its increased popularity amongst private companies, space activities became profitable sectors in numerous countries, including Luxembourg
Businessmen interested in company formation in Luxembourg can rely on the development of this field, especially when considering that the local authorities want to create a national legal framework regulating businesses performing various commercial activities related to space matters. 
We invite businessmen to contact our team of company formation consultants in Luxembourg for more details on the available legal framework applicable to space companies

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