Luxembourg is on the verge of creating a new business environment, addressed to innovative companies in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT). The program, initiated by the Ministry of Economy, will sustain business start-ups in the field of ICT, by offering financial aid to ICT companies, especially in the early stages of business development.
Luxembourg is one of the healthiest economies in Europe, according to the latest data provided by the Euro Plus Monitor. The study has revealed that Luxembourg is the first economy in Europe in terms of growth potential and fiscal sustainability; as such, Luxembourg can be an important business location for investors who are seeking for new environments to set up up a new company.
Luxembourg is evolving into a digital nation. Country officials believe that the Duchy has exceptional potential for development and it can surely become a major internet hub. New foreign investors are seizing this opportunity and are entering the market in various niche areas.
Investors who operate import and export business in Luxembourg need to comply with several requirements for processing and transporting goods as well as for providing cross-border services. Our company registration agents in Luxembourg can help you obtain the permits necessary for engaging in international trade in the Grand Duchy.
A new electronic platform will allow for electronic filing for tax returns for the income tax for communities, and the trade and wealth tax of resident communities. The portal became operational at the end of October and it will slowly become compulsory for filing contributions. Our company registration agents in Luxembourg can help you make this transition from traditional tax filing or better grasp the filing requirements in the Grand Duchy.
Companies engaged in scientific and technical activities are among the ones to record the largest growth in Luxembourg this year. The total number of companies grew in this business sector as it did in the commercial vehicle repairs sector. The number of registered companies grew in almost all business sectors from 2014 to 2015. If you are interested in company registration in Luxembourg, our agents can help you.
A new circular released by the Luxembourg tax authorities provides investors with guidance referring to the taxation treatment for income derived by limited partnerships in the country. The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Law governs the tax treatment for the special limited partnership (SCSp) and the standard limited partnership (SCS). Our company formation agents in Luxembourg can give you more details about tax compliance for these two business types.
The final preparations to implement the Foreign Tax Compliance Act in Luxembourg are being made by the authorities. The law is in the final stages of approval from the legislative bodies and after the Parliament approves it, it will be revised by the tax authorities. It is expected that the FATCA will enter into force in June 2015. The implications will be notable for foreign companies operating both in the United States and in Luxembourg.
Luxembourg is a European country that is not balling with economic hardships. Its prosperity can be attributed largely to the financial sector, an important contributor to the economy. However, employees in Luxembourg are divided into two major categories: the high-income individuals and the poor earners. Experts believe that this might be attributed to the expensive use of temporary employment contracts in Luxembourg.
Luxembourg officials have recently announced that the country is considering joining the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), an international financial institution to which countries like France, Germany and Britain have already adhered to. This recent association between Luxembourg and China is just one of the ways in which the two countries do business together. During a recent conference, Luxembourg and Chinese officials have talked about the advantages for Luxembourg investors in China.
Circular economy is a type of industrial economy that mimics natural ecosystems: materials are cycled infinitely, energy is derived from natural resources and the ecosystem is being looked after. This concept could have tremendous benefits for the countries that would adhere to it and Luxembourg officials seem to believe that the Grand Duchy is an ideal place to try the circular economy pattern. In time, it could enhance competitiveness, increase employment and reduce the environmental impact. Certain business fields could even benefit from an increase in investments.
When foreign investors open subsidiaries of international companies in other countries, they benefit from the parent-subsidiary regime that applies to income, capital gains and shareholdings. The purpose of this regime is to avoid double taxation. Because subsidiaries are opened as any other legal entity in Luxembourg, they still have to observe the taxation system for companies in Luxembourg.
A business owner in Luxembourg who wants to hire personnel and needs help can declare a job vacancy at the National Employment Administration. This can be done online or by filling a form (declaration of vacant position). Employers should always keep in mind that Luxembourg has a special employment legislation for certain categories of workers.
Luxembourg is an important business destination and many people who work in the country or come for various business activities commute between the small country and its neighboring regions. Luxembourg Findel Airport is the main airport in Luxembourg and the only international one in the country. Last year the airport registered a record number of passengers that passes through its gates. This increase can be partially attributed to new airlines that expanded their business in Luxembourg.
Luxembourg is taking over the presidency of the European Union this summer and the Economy Minister has already declared that he intends to make small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) a priority. It is not the first time when the small country shows its appreciation for the importance of SMEs. The Grand Duchy has already started to outline some of the important aspects that will be a priority during its six month presidency.
Prices in Luxembourg have remained stable during the last months. The most notable change was the reduction of oil prices for the second month in a row. This is thought to have caused the value of the inflation in November which was set at 0.1 percent. Most of the other products in Luxembourg maintained stable prices and no significant impact was seen in the business sector.
According to a survey performed by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Luxembourg is one of the countries in Europe with a high number of entrepreneurs. The small country is ahead of other European countries like Belgium, Germany and other neighboring countries. The survey found that many more individuals are thinking of opening a business in Luxembourg and this could mean that the country will see a boom of new companies and entrepreneurs in the coming years.
Luxembourg is preparing a new digital strategy for boosting the information and communications technology sector (ICT). The government has initiated a campaign that aims to promote Luxembourg as a destination for digital businesses abroad. The Grand Dutchy is already an important business destination for many foreign investors, mainly because of its attractive taxation system. The "Digital Lëtzebuerg" is a social project that will unite a group of experts from the public and private sectors around specific themes. Thanks to the new initiative, activities like environmental technology, biotechnology, logistics and financial services will become even more attractive for entrepreneurs.
Luxembourg offers many investment opportunities to foreign entrepreneurs. However, profitable doesn't necessarily mean numerous. Smaller companies seem to do just as well as larger firms who account for much of the capital produced in Luxembourg. The largest proportion of companies in Luxembourg can be found not in the finance and insurance sector, but in the construction and repair sectors.
Luxembourg is the sixth most competitive country in the European Union, a new analysis shows. The small country is in the top 10 out of the 28 states of the European Union. The analysis is based on a number of key indicators which address important issues and reveal the country’s attractiveness in terms of foreign investments.
October brought a new budget for Luxembourg and the announcement was followed by a presentation aiming to introduce a package of 250 measures that will improve Luxembourg’s financial situation and will make the country even more attractive for foreign investors. The measure will not affect the businesses of corporate taxpayers.
New types of financing are available in Luxembourg for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), innovation businesses and also for larger companies. Seven important banks in Luxembourg have agreed to provide the three new types of loans. This could provide a boost for foreign direct investments in Luxembourg.
Luxembourg’s economic mission to South Korea aimed at improving and strengthening the business relationships between the two countries and promoting the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg as a business destination in Europe for important South Korean companies. Luxembourg’s Prince and Princess travelled recently to Asia together with a delegation from the Luxembourg Ministry of Economy.