company formation luxembourg

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+352 671 533 922
Company Formation Luxembourg



Luxembourg, In Top 3 Countries In The World For Retaining Talents


The World Talent report, issued by the World Competitiveness Center, analyzes the ability of a country to develop and attract qualified and talented individuals, who can contribute to the needs and development of a company. Foreign investors who are interested in opening a company here should know that Luxembourg ranked as the 3rd worldwide economy on the talent ranking study.

New Standards of Financial and Digital Development for Luxembourg


In the last thirty years, Luxembourg has become one of the most important financial centers in the European Union. Financial services represent one of the most important industries in Luxembourg and this can be seen in the fact that Luxembourg is an international financial center. Moreover, Luxembourg has been playing a major role in the last decades in the development of financial services industry in Europe. Foreign investors interested in opening a company in Luxembourg may request for information on this matter from our agents.

Financing New Innovative High-Tech Businesses


Luxembourg is on the verge of creating a new business environment, addressed to innovative companies in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT). The program, initiated by the Ministry of Economy, will sustain business start-ups in the field of ICT, by offering financial aid to ICT companies, especially in the early stages of business development. 

Luxembourg Ranked First for Growth Potential and Fiscal Sustainability


Luxembourg is one of the healthiest economies in Europe, according to the latest data provided by the Euro Plus Monitor. The study has revealed that Luxembourg is the first economy in Europe in terms of growth potential and fiscal sustainability; as such, Luxembourg can be an important business location for investors who are seeking for new environments to set up up a new company

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As a BridgeWest partner for many years, is for sure a great choice when wanting to start a business in this important financial hub. International entrepreneurs can rely on the professionalism of this team.

Vlad Cuc, Director of BridgeWest

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