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Company Formation Luxembourg



A New Segment on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange

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A-New-Segment-on-the-Luxembourg-Stock-Exchange.jpgThe business market available in Luxembourg provides numerous ways to invest in this country. Those who want to open a company in Luxembourg should know that the investment market available here offers green securities, which refer to  sustainable investments. The Luxembourg Stock Exchange created a new segment dedicated to green securities – the Luxembourg Green Exchange (LGX), a platform launched in September 2016. Our team of company formation representatives in Luxembourg can offer advice on how to register with the LGX

Luxembourg Green Exchange platform  

The Luxembourg Green Exchange (LGX) represents a new segment of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. The platform represents the only market available for listing  green securities, a sector which aims at the development of sustainable investments. The field is estimated to have a value of $23 trn. Our team of company formation agents in Luxembourg can offer more details on this matter.
Investors interested in company formation in Luxembourg in this field will be able to ease the financing of their sustainable projects through the registration with the LGX. At the moment, the LGX listed green bonds with an overall value of EUR 50 billion, which were listed by 27 international issuers. 

Green investments in Luxembourg  

The company registration in Luxembourg in the field of green investments is advisable, as the jurisdiction represents the top destination for  this type of activity. 
Luxembourg represents a top green investment destination due to the fact that more than 50% of the green bonds available at a global level are listed on the LGX. At a European level, 31% of the investment funds which carry out sustainable and green investments are registered in this country. Also, 30% of the assets under management related to this field are originated in Luxembourg
The largest green bond available at a global level is set up in Luxembourg and it will perform investments related to the emerging markets. Its value is $2 billion. 
Businessmen interested in receiving more details on the green bonds investments are invited to contact our team of company registration experts in Luxembourg

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